Thursday, July 16, 2009

IPCRI and a New Opportunity

The Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) holds bimonthly meetings at the Ambassador Hotel in Jerusalem which I frequently attend. While normally there are upwards of 100-150 people present, recently meetings have had significantly fewer participants, mostly as the result of the Israeli army suddenly ceasing to grant individuals from the West Bank permits to enter the area. This has been the case for the last four meetings, but today it was announced that the individuals and organizations responsible for the collaboration of these meetings were able to convince the army to discontinue this behavior, so hopefully in the future obstacles will be minimal.
IPCRI is a joint institution of Israelis and Palestinians dedicated to the resolution of the Israeli Palestinian conflict based on a two state solution (two states for two peoples). They strive to serve as an intellectual platform between Israelis, Palestinians and others to create and develop new concepts and ideas to enrich political and public discourse with the aim of influencing decision makers and challenging the current political reality to promote change. IPCRI defines themselves as a "think tank" as well as an "action do tank."
Other than Palestinians and Israelis, IPRCI also brings together individuals from the private sector, academia, professionals including current and former officials, negotiators, military personal and others. They frequently have guest speakers come and facilitate a discussion and lecture on a given topic.
Following the discussion of this weeks meeting I spoke with some of the representatives of the organization and we touched on what I was doing in the area. Subsequently, I was offered an internship position with IPCRI heading a project where I will be trained to create and conduct interviews to settlers and refugees aimed at discerning their thoughts on the future of the area. I will then need to transcribe those findings and report back to the office in Bethlehem. When I meet again with the organization I will be told more of the specific details, but I'm excited to be getting involved in project.
A summary of the topic discussed in the meeting (on Russian involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict) is posted in the next blog and worth checking out for those interested in foreign policy. How our country interacts with both Iran and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict over the next few years is key and will have drastic implications for the US in the long run. Being attentive to what is happening surrounding these issues is pivotal if you want to understand, impact, or foresee the direction of our society and others.

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