Friday, March 12, 2010


I have been beyond busy these past two weeks trying to wrap up my life here in a way that I'm satisfied with. While the reality that I will be returning home after more than a year abroad is weighing on my mind, the process of closing all my commitments isn't giving me too much time to reflect. I've been scampering to finish magazine articles and interviews, wind things up with my job at MWF, plan my last teaching lessons for French, trying to find homes for my kittens (yes, they survived), and meet up with those whom have made my life here worthwhile.
In both Palestine/Israel and Yemen I have been able to attain solid communities for myself. Part of me regrets having to return to the States as I have so many amazing opportunities here and wonderful ties in both the Yemeni and foreign communities. When I look at what I'm accomplishing given my age and experience, I feel so fortunate.
I will say more as I get closer to my departure, but I am also looking forward to seeing my family and friends back home. Especially in the way of friends, I always knew how valuable mine were and how lucky I was to have them, but this experience has solidified my view of them as family. I have been phenomenally impressed by their efforts to keep involved in my life and I can't wait to share stories when I get back.
Nine days and counting...

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